Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Week with Emily, Mary, and Lyner

We got to spend time with my sisters and neice this week - Emily, her cute daughter Mary, and Lindsey! We had a good time spending time together. We had to take naps a few times because putting together the schedules of a 2 year old, 7 month old, and almost 2 month old was exausting! We spent time together getting ready for the day :), going to parks, storytime at the library, getting jamba juices, a carnival at an elementary school with my Aunt Lana, and cousin Magan, and lots of visiting with relatives! (Oh, and I can't forget - imitating our cute older sister Angie and the way she says, "Oh baby Woods! Yes!) We snuck in a little movie watching - a favorite when we were little - The Labrynth. Thanks for coming girls! I had fun! I love you!

Baby Mary - Cute and Happy!

Megs - Cute and Happy!

Taya - Yep, Cute and Happy!

Taya loves baby Mary! Mary is not in the mood though!

Aunt Lindsey sharing her jamba!

Aunt Lyner and Megs!

This is what Mary thought of the park!! :)

The next three are Taya enjoying her ice cream cone, the pond, and the ducks!

Auntie Em and Taya!

The Swings!!

Megan enjoyed being in Mary's pack and play! Taya loves to make Megan laugh and this is one of those times!

Megan had her 6 month doctor appointment this week as well. She is 7 months old though and weighs 14 lbs. 12 oz. and is 26 inches long. She got shots and was quite mad about it. Unfortunately she had a fever off and on for two days. We used cold wet wash clothes to help bring the temperature down. She likes things on her head (like the way I put the wash cloth on her head in the following video!)! Even though it was a rough couple days, she took opportunities to be happy and laugh! The little cutie! :)


Emily Empey said...

oh my heck that is so so cute of megs and the washcloth!! that was a fun week!! thanks for having us!! cute girls we have- ohhh yes!! haha love ya guys!!

The Dillons said...

Those are a lot of fun pictures. Megs looks so sad in the picture with me and her on the swing:( Oh but your girls are oh so berry cute! I love you all and thanks for having us, it was a blast!!! YOU REMIND ME OF THE BABE!

Hills said...

Oh, how I wish I was there! Glad I was thought of and imitated! Oh you all are so cute, yes you are! Me and my little man in the land of lands wish we were there, yes we do!!! Love the pictures, looked like a lot of fun. Beautiful girls! Love the videos. Taya and Megan are so cute together and I love the reaction Meg has to the washcloth! So cute!

Hills said...

Ryan loved the washcloth video!!!

Fausett Family said...

I love all of these pictures! :) Adorable! :)